Building a House in WildStar

If you want to have your very own home away from home in WildStar, you can build one, just as soon as you reach the 14th level. You can build your house somewhere out in the wilderness away from civilization and with launch making you able to play WildStar online when you choose, you’ll have the ability to spend some time relaxing in your very own, custom-built home, and be able to interact with the house within the world of WildStar. So, once you have some time away from buying WildStar gold and are at 14th level, how do you build your house?


You start by going to the house hologram that is located in the capital of your server. You will see the house options in the bottom right corner of your screen when you begin setting up your house. The first is LANDSPACE – which is the land that you will be building on. The Landspace panel is where you will be building your first house. Your choice of houses will depend upon what level you are, and if you are like most of us, and you got a house as soon as you reached the 14th level, your choices aren’t going to be very good at first. You aren’t going to be able to put up any walls, and you won’t be able to set up any rooms either.


You can also make a garden, mines which will spawn mineral deposits for crafting and other things like challenges. Some of your things that you set up will wear out and you will have to set up new ones. You will also be able to upgrade structures if you choose. You need to have the right FabKit, which stands for fabrication kit, in order to upgrade the structure you have chosen. Where do you get FabKits? They are located around the world, obtainable on missions or you can craft them.


You do get to choose what your house looks like from the outside, including what the walls, doors and sky look like.


You have another option called CRATE – which is your inventory, telling you what items you will be able to put on your property and if you can buy cheap wildstar platinum then you will have an inventory full of items.


There is also an option called VENDOR – which is a shop with items you can set up next to your house, and LIST which lists all of the items that you have on your property.

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